Ops! Error in code
Its not possible to continue because of:

Error type:

File and line where error occurs:
/var/www/bimboo/core/core.php, line 317

Debug Backtrace:
#0  core::throw_errors(2, readlink(): Argumento inválido, /var/www/bimboo/components/content_image/config.php, 157, Array ([component_id] => 2445,[record] => content_image_data Object ([image_data] => image Object ([default_path] => media/images/510/510/,[default_image] => /components/content_image/images/noimage.gif,[generate_prefix] => 1,[storage_filename] => /media/images/510/510//506d785a4b3eef0fc968dcfc9757a67bb3aded03ce05f.png,[original_filename] => bt-ouca-aovivo.png,[filesize] => 12937,[max_file_size] => 2147483648,[allowed_extensions] => Array ([0] => jpg,[1] => png,[2] => gif),[append_original_filename] => ,[width] => 300,[height] => 300,[image_width] => 0,[image_height] => 0,[temporary_filename] => ,[] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[component_id] => 2445,[description] => textarea Object ([value] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[dont_allow_use] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[zoom] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[link_nova_aba] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[margin_bottom] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[show_inside_box] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[alignment] => 0,[width] => 222,[open_url] => javascript:void window.open('/ao-vivo','','width=400,height=310'),[image_animation] => ,[] => content_image_data,[] => database_adapter_mysql Object ([__resource_name] => content_image_data,[__object] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => message Object ([name] => ,[subject] => ,[queue] => Array ()),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([obj] => Array (),[fields] => Array ([image_data] => image Object ([default_path] => media/images/510/510/,[default_image] => /components/content_image/images/noimage.gif,[generate_prefix] => 1,[storage_filename] => /media/images/510/510//506d785a4b3eef0fc968dcfc9757a67bb3aded03ce05f.png,[original_filename] => bt-ouca-aovivo.png,[filesize] => 12937,[max_file_size] => 2147483648,[allowed_extensions] => Array ([0] => jpg,[1] => png,[2] => gif),[append_original_filename] => ,[width] => 300,[height] => 300,[image_width] => 0,[image_height] => 0,[temporary_filename] => ,[] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[description] => textarea Object ([value] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[dont_allow_use] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[zoom] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[link_nova_aba] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[margin_bottom] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*),[show_inside_box] => checkbox Object ([value] => 0,[invert] => ,[] => content_image_data Object ( *RECURSION*))),[ROWID] => 510),[res] => Array ([0] => 222,[1] => 82),[image_width] => 222,[image_height] => 82,[lazy_load] => ))
#1  readlink(/var/www/bimboo/base/www/fmcidade101.com/layout) called at [/var/www/bimboo/components/content_image/config.php:157]
#2  content_section_image->render(2445, 1810) called at [/var/www/bimboo/components/content/config.php:345]
#3  content_section_component->render(1810) called at [/var/www/bimboo/core/core.php:661]
#4  core::template_render_editable_area(sra_barra_lateral, 10, 0) called at [/var/www/bimboo/base/www/fmcidade101.com/compiled/page.html:25]
#5  include(/var/www/bimboo/base/www/fmcidade101.com/compiled/page.html) called at [/var/www/bimboo/components/content/config.php:2757]
#6  content_management_system->get_page(Array ([p] => 80))
#7  call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => content_management_system Object ([enabled] => 1),[1] => get_page), Array ([0] => Array ([p] => 80))) called at [/var/www/bimboo/core/controller.php:91]
#8  controller::dispatch_request() called at [/var/www/bimboo/router.php:457]